Connect With Us Phone Number 910.622.6219 Email Address Lobby Hours Instagram acountrykennel Cash boarded with us for the first time! Him and A Thanksgiving is just around the corner 🧡 We’r First Place in the Costume Contest goes to… 🥁 Y’all help us choose, they’re all too cute! D Why did the snail cross the road? … 🐌 I’ll SNOOP DOGG… mista D.O. double G We’re super excited to celebrate our first holid I asked Zep what to caption this… he said “Aaa Meet our new Kennel Tech, Archie! 🤠 … and Jen Squish is like “c’mon dad, now all my friends This Marley and Me audio has me in tears 🥹💞 Our Howl-O-Ween Costume Contest never disappoints Some of our babies spending the night this weekend happy Friday, happy dogs 💛 Welcome back Tito man, we’ve missed you! He was Piper girl wuvs her big brudder Ramsey 💞 We now offer frozen Kongs ❤️ They’re a great Brinkley James is the two time winner of our Howl- Yeti man loves to climb on my back 🤍 Just look at all these happy babies 🥰 We hope y Load More Follow on Instagram Facebook Facebook